Once again, I just can’t sleep..
The images rush through my mind one after other..
Was I impatient? Thoughtless?
It lasted just an instant..
Yes, “to err is human” they say, but do we forget the mistakes made?
Will he forget?
I swallow with difficulty, my mouth dry.
My heavy, tired eyelids close for just a moment, and I see that image again.
With a grimace of pain, I push it away, turning around to face the window.
In the distance I hear the cold wind blowing announcing the rain, and my gaze pauses on the moonbeams’ reflection on my arm.
Through the window, is the moon trying to comfort me?
I’ll have to go down..
I wonder if he’s waiting for me…
If he thinks of me like I keep thinking of him.
I must free myself, and admit that I regret…
Ignoring the exhaustion I feel from lack of sleep, I painfully put my feet on the icy floor while holding the bed base, with my heart pounding I open the door, and barefeet, slowly descend the stairs.
Again I have a “flashback” of that moment when it was just the two of us..
And once more I reject that image to not suffer anymore from it.
I should never have left him..
I open the living room door and see it..
It lies on the ground, as if dying, and my heart sinks.
How could have I done such a thing?..
My stomach in knots, I slowly lean over, take it gently, and… OUCH!! MY BACK!!! I’m STUCK!!!
All because of the CANDY I’VE EATEN EARLIER!
I dropped the wrapping paper, SO WHAT?!?!..
Instead of feeling guilty and coming to pick it up, I could have just swept it up and put it in the trash!
And here I am now trying to sit in Quasimodo mode, as if insomnias wasn’t enough.
It’s clear: I’m going to have to start taking magnesium.