At the supermarket

Honestly sometimes it’s a little annoying when you’re in a hurry, and you’re delayed.
I go to the supermarket for a shopping.
Suddenly when I am inside, I realise I completely forgot what I came to buy.
Aaargh! I should have made a list.

Never mind, I simply decide to listen to my thirst.
In front of one of the shelves, I hesitate between a mango juice and just a bottle of water.
Go on, I go for the mango juice.
Besides, I already drink a lot of water all day long with those incessant hot flashes.
As I’m a big sweet tooth, I head towards the sweets; looking for the soft chewy like caramels that stick to the palate.
I know it’s not very healthy, but I’ll burn it off in Pilates later.
No. Actually I change my mind, and get a pineapple to be good, and some avocados for my salad.

Bummer. When I get to the checkout, there is a long line of people. Aaaargh!
In the queue, in front of me, there is a young couple with a little girl of about 6/7 years old.
Holding her mother’s hand, she keeps looking at my daily planner which I am holding in my hand.
And I understand why, it’s pink with dancer stickers that I stuck on it.
I tell myself that perhaps she also likes dancing like many little girls, and smile at her.
But probably shy, the little girl doesn’t smile back at me at all.

The mother turns around and sees that I was smiling at her little one.
I look away before she thinks I’m a kidnapper.
I can already imagine, poor me appearing on all the newspapers:


Yesterday, Sunday 3rd of December 2024, at the supermarket in the city center of the Gabonese capital Libreville, around 2 p.m, a woman in her fifties tried to kidnap a little girl, taking advantage of parents’ inattention.
Indeed, the lady always attracts little girls with a pink daily planner with dancer stickers on it.
The supermarket employees who report that she is a regular customer, as well as the little girl’s parents, are still in a state of shock, and express their dismay.
But the one who without a shadow of a doubt is a serial kidnapper, persists in denying the facts, and keeps repeating that she had a memory lapse when she arrived at the supermarket; thus making it impossible to know her motivations.
Under the pressure of being questioned from the Police, the criminal nevertheless confessed her obsession for pink color.
Would that confession be a glimmer of hope as irrefutable proof so that justice can be done? The investigation continues.
To be continued.”

Right, I’m coming back to earth.

Still queuing, I turn around at one point, and I see an elderly lady behind me. Obviously I let her pass before me so that she can be served first.
The little problem is that she has a trolley full of items, and I only have my juice and my pineapple; aaargh.
No choice, I wait..
When her turn arrives at the till, I offer to help her get her items out of her trolley, but she answers me quickly and dryly: “I’m fine, thank you,” barely looking at me.
Right, Seona, nan didn’t ask your help.
So mind your own business.

The queue moves in an ultra-mega slow motion version like in the “Matrix” effect, but without the kung fu in the air or even Keanu Reaves.
And that waiting makes me hungry, bummer.

On the other hand, what makes me smile is that the little girl earlier who is now further ahead, leaving the supermarket with her parents, waves goodbye to me.
That is so sweet of her.
I bet the little princess is a dancer.

AT LAST it’s my turn at the checkout.
But the young lady who was serving gets up because it might be her break, and she is replaced by another.
Blimey. I have nothing against the cashier, but she begins to adjust her seat with a slowness that even a turtle would be stunned to see her.

Then, apparently the till roll for the receipts is finished, and she replaces it as well imitating a turtle.
Behind me I hear a sigh of impatience, but I avoid turning around because I feel embarrassed as it’s my fault.
I should never have come when I’m in a hurry, and those memory lapses don’t make it any better when it comes to shopping.

I really want to leave the mango juice and the pineapple somewhere and just leave.
But the annoying thing is that because of the waiting, I’ve already started drinking the mango juice.
When I finish paying for my items, the cashier thanks me saying “have a good day.”
I answer wishing her the same thing, but in my mind, I can’t help but clearly see the turtle sitting on her chair.
This will serves me right to persist in going to the supermarket when I’m in a hurry.
And the worst part is that I really can’t remember which groceries I need at home.
So I will have to come back tomorrow.

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